Any info for the Bay Area?
Jack Burton
JoinedPosts by Jack Burton
by Dogpatch inthese people come highly recommended by me!.
help for los angeles residents.
So, if you were marooned on a desert island..........................
by beksbks inwhat is the one cd you would want to have with you?
assuming you had a means of playing and hearing it.
awesome sound system actually...............wait, that's not the point, it's the music of choice that counts..
Jack Burton
Disintegration, The best Cure album ever. I have never gotten sick of it.
Jack Burton
Two words...Awe Some!!!
Another Question for JW Apologists...
by Jack Burton ini've been following the thread on staying off of apostate sites, and somehow the subject of reinstatement came up.. i started thinking about this, and i thought about how "easy" it would be for someone like me to get reinstated.
just for the record, i have no desire to ever go back to "the truth".
but, after being raised as a witness, serving in various different positions, i understand how to play the game.
Jack Burton
The corollary question to that is: if this really is God's spirit directed organization, why would you or anyone else have been institutionally "disfellowshiped" in the first place?
I guess because Jehovah needs the elders to protect the faithful from The Devil Himself! Oh wait...I just asked about the faulty dates of 1914,607, all of that. Amazing how a little question could send the elders into a panic. Just get rid of that little troublemaker, now we can get back to serving wholesome spiritual food to the rest of the sheep. "Four legs good, two legs better"!
Anyone have a soft spot for old video games?
by John Doe in
Jack Burton
I've been playing old school Zelda the past couple weeks. First replayed Zelda 2 (I *still* remember the path through the final dungeon), then went to Zelda 1 and completely maxed out my character in both the first and second quest. Now I'm replaying Zelda 3 (SNES). I'm playing all of these on the Wii Virtual Console.
I've gotten my kids hooked on old schoolZelda. I tried showing them how awesome old Intellivision games were. My 13 year old son looked at me like I was off my rocker. He said, "How in the hell did you waste so much time playing these games, there's no point to most of these!" I just replied in my best Kung-Fu voice, "Someday you will understand"
Another Question for JW Apologists...
by Jack Burton ini've been following the thread on staying off of apostate sites, and somehow the subject of reinstatement came up.. i started thinking about this, and i thought about how "easy" it would be for someone like me to get reinstated.
just for the record, i have no desire to ever go back to "the truth".
but, after being raised as a witness, serving in various different positions, i understand how to play the game.
Jack Burton
You can also BECOME an elder, even if you're an apostate. You simply have to go through the motions and do the necessary works.
Right on. This is why I'm trying to pick true believers brains.
Another Question for JW Apologists...
by Jack Burton ini've been following the thread on staying off of apostate sites, and somehow the subject of reinstatement came up.. i started thinking about this, and i thought about how "easy" it would be for someone like me to get reinstated.
just for the record, i have no desire to ever go back to "the truth".
but, after being raised as a witness, serving in various different positions, i understand how to play the game.
Jack Burton
I've been following the thread on staying off of apostate sites, and somehow the subject of reinstatement came up.
I started thinking about this, and I thought about how "easy" it would be for someone like me to get reinstated. Just for the record, I have no desire to ever go back to "The Truth". But, after being raised as a witness, serving in various different positions, I understand how to play the game. Even though I have been DFed as an apostate, I could shave off my beard, take the earrings out, and play nice with the elders. Do whatever they say and TA-DA...reinstated!
However, my thoughts about the society would not have changed one bit. I would still believe that "The Truth" is b.s.
My question is this...If this really is God's spirit directed organization, why would I be allowed back? Doesn't reinstatement seem to be about the appearence of repentance instead of anything real?
Believe me, this scenario would make some aspects of my life sso much easier, but I wouldn't be true to myself.
Anyways, I hope that question makes sense, and would be interested in any thoughts...
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut ini read these threads and there are a few that bend over backwards to say why wts is correct on this issue or that issue.. they act like typical jw's that refuse to acknowledge points that may show that wts is not following the scriptures or that wts goes beyond the scriptures in a way that is not supported by others.. the point could be the blood issue or shunning or whether 1799 or 1914 was the start (or finish?
) of the last days or whether there is a faithful and discreet slave class or not.
i don't want to harp on each point.
Jack Burton
Respectfully directed to Jack Burton:In my years of service as a pioneer and MS, I don't recall the WTS EVER admitting they were wrong.
Although I would of like to see them get on their knees (David Style) and rip there suits into, begging forgiveness from God, it did not happen. But I'm OK with the "technical" admittance of guilt "Officially" Published in the March 15, 1980 Watchtower page 17
"5 In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.6 In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: “If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises.” In saying “anyone,” The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah’s Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date."
also of note is:
Karl F. Klein (former GB member) said of Rutherford: (located in the footnotes of the Oct. 1, 1984 watchtower pg. 24)
"Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, “I made an ass of myself.”"Agape,
Sola ScripturaThat's great, but you seem to miss the big problem with this admission. The WTS demands unconditional obedience to whatever they are calling "truth" at the moment, no questions asked. Even if they flip flop later.
This is, IMHO, the main reason for them to be scared to death of sites like this. It used to require a hell of alot more effort to find out this info before it was online.
The WTS can change major doctrines at the drop of a hat, and if the rank and file don't tow the line, they can be dfed. It's a great control tool.
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut ini read these threads and there are a few that bend over backwards to say why wts is correct on this issue or that issue.. they act like typical jw's that refuse to acknowledge points that may show that wts is not following the scriptures or that wts goes beyond the scriptures in a way that is not supported by others.. the point could be the blood issue or shunning or whether 1799 or 1914 was the start (or finish?
) of the last days or whether there is a faithful and discreet slave class or not.
i don't want to harp on each point.
Jack Burton
As to why I am disobedient is for my own conscience but I will not whine about it if I get rebuked for it, I accept the consequences of my choice including God's disaproval.
If I commited adultery I would also accept rebuke. We go into the witneses knowing what they preach
So you would be willing to have your life turned upside down by a judicial comitee by bringing up the fact that you post on sites like this?
I was DFed because I dared to bring up some of my questions about doctrine that I had been researching online. I did not even bring up "apostate" sites. Just using the word internet was enough for them.
Maybe instead of complaining about all the negativity on this site, try walking a mile in some of our shoes. Because I dared to use my brain, I went through hell with my wife and kids,(who are all out now), I am viewed as the spawn of Satan by my own mother, and have had to start my life over. Maybe you should realize that for some of us, the wounds have just started to scab over, and reading your pity party posts brings up some anger. If you came across a little less "persecuted", you would be taken more seriously.
If you keep poking someones open wound, don't be surprised if they feel like bitch slapping you. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, since I do not know you. Just my two cents.
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut ini read these threads and there are a few that bend over backwards to say why wts is correct on this issue or that issue.. they act like typical jw's that refuse to acknowledge points that may show that wts is not following the scriptures or that wts goes beyond the scriptures in a way that is not supported by others.. the point could be the blood issue or shunning or whether 1799 or 1914 was the start (or finish?
) of the last days or whether there is a faithful and discreet slave class or not.
i don't want to harp on each point.
Jack Burton
Spike says---
I believe in truth guided by a spirit of holiness. I am not concerned with errors that have been fixed. That to me shows repentance. I am interested in whatever is righteous and upbuilding and fair. Good manners and honest compliments are also nice to see.
Maybe this is off topic, but what do you mean by "errors that have been fixed"? How can errors be fixed without admitting you were wrong in the first place? In my years of service as a pioneer and MS, I don't recall the WTS EVER admitting they were wrong. The blame somehow always gets pushed onto the rank and file. That doesn't show repentance, it shows arrogance.
If I give you wrong info, and you base major life decisions on that info, who is responsible? This just shows me why the WTS desperatley wants people not to use the internet.
That spells C U L T